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LIDL : Game Changers

Online and real world game for Lidl's corporate recruitmeent team.

As a videogame developer 99% of my work is entirely software based, so it’s great when an occasional project comes along with a “real life” element. Game Changers was a campaign for Lidl’s corporate recruitment team which did a tour of UK university campuses. The game was designed and build to run on 2 giant 65” touch screens, opposite each other in a giant pod. Players stood back to back and plays the game simultaneously while a third screen on the outside showed a real time leaderboard for the spectators.

2 pods were built to tour the UK, and I designed and developed the software for the game to run in the pods, handle lead capture and database storage, and the leaderboard system, plus an online version of the entire system for web entry.

The game itself was split into 2 simple subgames, one testing the player’s reaction skills while the other tested the player’s memory. The campaign was a success with a fantastic level of engagement both in the pods and online, and personally it was great to visit the pods on location at Exeter University and see one of my games “in the wild” for a change!

  • Project: Game Changers
  • Client: Lidl
  • Role: Developer, Designer, Project Manager
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